Coping with Illness – How Can You Help Yourself?

by Sarar Maalouf

To maintain a good level of positive thinking, the body needs to be well and at ease. Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are your friendly weapons. Lots can be said about each, but I’ll be brief.

Nutrition: it is not the quantity that matters but the quality, so lots of nutrients, as organic as can be.

The side effects of treatments may put you off food. The solution is to take lots of nutrition in small doses. For example, you can make chicken soup with lots of vegetables. Blend it and drink about 50 ml every hour or so. You will stay hydrated and nourished. Get creative with cooking recipes that are healthy and quick to prepare.

Exercise: as simple as a walk

Make time in your day for a short walk. Start out slow and for a short time. You can increase pace and time gradually and vary them depending on how you feel at the time of your walk. Choose a place in nature, a green park, a garden, a street with trees and flowers. If you are at work, walk around the office for about five minutes at a time.

It is very important that, while walking, you do not engage in negative thoughts and worries. Some ways to avoid that is to busy your mind with a song, planning for an enjoyable activity, focusing on the beauty around you.  As negative thoughts intrude on your thinking, acknowledge the thought and say to yourself: “I will think about it later, now I will enjoy my few minutes of a break.”

Another efficient way is to simply walk to a one – two rhythm while saying one –two, or left –right. It sounds silly, but it works.

If it is difficult for you to go out, then walk in around your apartment. But without thinking about the house work that needs to be done.

You can also engage a family member or friend in your walks.

Sleep: restful sleep requires a set routine

Sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning even if you did not fall asleep until late. On repetition you will start falling asleep at the set time.

Develop a routine for the few hours before you go to bed. For example, if you decide to sleep at 10 every night, then establish a routine starting two hours before it: have dinner, tidy up, take a shower, do some relaxation soft exercises (to be shared in a future article) and go to bed. Read for a short while and sleep. If sleep does not come, stay in bed and daydream about pleasant things. Do not engage in negative thoughts such as “If I do not get enough sleep I will be very tired tomorrow”. You can always make room for rest during the day.

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