Chi Nei Tsang Massage – Your Way to Release Suppressed Emotions

by Eddy Azar

Many of us have received a shoulder rub, a foot massage, or other massage treatment that temporarily makes us feel better. But have you ever tried a massage treatment specifically in order to release suppressed emotions?

Chi Nei Tsang is a traditional Chinese massage technique focused on the emotional seat of your body: the abdomen. “Chi” (or “qi”) refers to energy or life force, while “Nei Tsang” refers to the internal organs.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our body functions are dependent on our “Chi” which, along with blood, flows through our system and nourishes our body tissues, helping them to function. When your “Chi” is hindered, constricted, and consistently blocked then over time your health starts to deteriorate.

The ancient Taoist Chi Nei Tsang practice aims to harmonize your internal systems by increasing the energy and blood flow to and from your organs.

In the Taoist system, the area behind and around the navel center is considered to be the body’s most powerful and crucial energy center, while the organs are believed to store the emotions, explaining why they are released during this gentle yet deep abdominal massage.

Each organ is believed to hold different negative emotions:

The liver holds anger and frustration

The kidneys hold fear and fright

The stomach holds worry and anxiety

The lungs hold grief and sadness

How does it work?

The abdomen is warmed with oil, palm-massaged in circular motions, and then worked on from right to left, creating balance in the body through acupressure techniques, massage strokes, and breath work.

All of the body’s systems are addressed in a session: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, and urinary.

Internal organs and arteries are worked on deeply, and some people may experience pain during the massage, depending on how much tension is held in the abdomen.

Some physical discomfort may also occur due to emotions being processed. Some recipients of the massage may experience shortness of breath, which should always be communicated to the practitioner.

Right before the end of a Chi Nei Tsang session, the receiver is grounded with other massage techniques applied to the face, arms, and legs.

Why you should try Chi Nei Tsang:

Reduces stress

Improves quality of sleep

Boosts blood circulation

Relieves digestive disorders involving the liver, gallbladder, or kidneys

Alleviates symptoms of nervous disorders such as anxiety and depression

Detoxifies and cleanses internal organs

Improves elimination and stimulation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems

Boosts the immune system

Reduces back, neck, and shoulder pain

Helps to restore natural posture and structure

Relieves menstrual pain

Alleviates Irritable Bowel Syndrome, bloating, and constipation

In addition, Chi Nei Tsang may help speed healing from trauma or and is known for its ability to help heal endometriosis and boost fertility.

Avoid Chi Nei Tsang if:

You’re pregnant

You use an intrauterine device (IUD)

You wear a pacemaker

You suffer from medically diagnosed digestive issues

You’re a cancer patient

You have a skin infection

Physical ailments are often rooted in emotional issues and helping your body to release past traumas encourages a deeper level of healing.

If you are ready to release negative emotions, find balance, and help improve your overall health, give Chi Nei Tsang a try. Just don’t eat anything for at least three hours prior to your massage treatment.

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