Heal by Writing Your Story

by Deniz Keller

Most of us enjoy reading (auto)biographies because we can read about another person’s life story and experiences with objectivity. However, writing our own life story in the 3rd person is a very easy and simple way to create self-awareness and start to heal. This opportunity to express ourselves freely gives us a chance to reflect on what needs attention, to be changed, shifted, healed, released or transformed.

We all have amazing Wise Minds that work for us 24/7 and are always ready to help. Our Wise Mind gives us self-knowledge, so we may attain self-realization. It allows us to see our whole life from a transformed perspective and to shift our consciousness. It enables us to move beyond our fears and to recognize our inner saboteurs, those that prevent transformation. The Wise Mind activates our radiant consciousness, so we may recognize the essence of our true being.

When we write about ourselves in the 3rd person, we can discover if the information, beliefs, thoughts, habits, and actions gained and taken over the years stem from our true selves or rather from our parents, siblings, teachers, etc.

By understanding the origins of our thoughts, beliefs, habits, etc., we can become non-judgmental witnesses of our lives and thoughts. We can honor ourselves for who we really are and let go of what is not ours. Well, we can let go of what does not serve us well overall.

Now that you know the what, here is the HOW, or your action plan:

  • Use either your own name or third person pronouns (he, she, they) instead of first- and second-person pronouns (I, we, you, me). 
  • If possible, write by hand, using a pen or pencil in any you like. Writing by hand will stimulate your brain and senses.
  • Use any type of notebook you like.
  • Set your intention before you start to write, for example: “I am activating my Wise Mind and asking it to bring forth all information necessary for my awareness, healing, and transformation. I am allowing myself to express everything without fear and judgment. I open my heart to release all that does not serve my highest good. I open myself to receive all that is for my highest good with peace, love, health, prosperity, and more. So it is, so BE it!
  • Begin writing about yourself from the earliest age you may remember. It may sound strange, but some people even write about their experience while in their mother’s womb.
  • Do not think or analyze as you write and do not correct anything.
  • Do not go back to read what you wrote until you think you are completely done.
  • Just let your words and pen flow on the page, writing down whatever comes to your mind.

Once done with writing and reading, you can ask your Wise Mind the following questions or any other question that may come to it. You may not be able to receive an answer immediately but trust your Wise Mind, you will get your answer at the right time and place. TRUST!


  • How can I transform this?
  • Is this really who I AM?
  • Can I step back from this and see it in a different way, from another perspective?
  • Can I quiet my mind and experience more peace?
  • Can I have more compassion here?
  • What am I learning from this?
  • Is there a particular part of myself that needs transformation? What does that part of me need?
  • Can I experience more light here? Can I forgive in this situation?
  • How can I give myself permission to let go of all that does not serve my highest good?

Should you need additional motivation, please read this testimonial from a (Lebanese) client who practiced this exercise:

“Your advice to write my story three times in the third person helped me a lot. It was really an amazing experience and it helped me release some of the issues and memories that I was holding on to. As I was writing my story, at times I had a shy smile come to my face and at other time I had a tear fall from the corner of my eye. I shed heavy tears too and then found myself laughing out loud! So, as you see, all my emotions were stirred up and released. Of course, as you insisted, I did not stop to analyze, nor did I ever read back my notes!”

If you are not happy with your story(life), isn’t it time to change it?

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