There is a clear un-ease in our western world lives. For some, it’s stress, while for others it’s unhappiness. And many suffer from some form of unbalance or dis-ease without…
Ana Larriu
Ana Larriu
Ana Larriu is a cognitive behavioral therapy practitioner, certified WorkplaceMT (Oxford, U.K.) mindfulness instructor and certified energy therapist with certifications from a number of different institutions. She also runs her own furniture design and interior architecture consultancy. Born in Spain, Ana has lived in numerous countries across the world and is currently based in Beirut, Lebanon. Through the Wellness@Work program she created and launched in 2017, Ana passionately teaches both her private and corporate clients simple, powerful techniques that can help them to break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in marketing, both from ESIC Business & Marketing School in Madrid, Spain.