The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Do you regularly optimistically visualize your best possible future self? Happy people do!
Optimism is key to a happy life. It boosts positive feelings about the future and increases self-efficacy. People who are enthusiastic about their life and future in general tend to be happier and are more resilient and creative in coping with life challenges and stress.
Research shows that just thinking about your best possible self can increase your happiness levels, while also helping you to clarify your goals in life. Building optimism about the future can motivate you to work toward that desired future and thus make it more likely to become a reality.
While some people seem to be more positive than others, we can all train ourselves to think more positively and to approach life more optimistically.
Need a boost in optimism? Try the “My Best Possible Future” happiness exercise! This is a great way for you to experience positive emotions and the power of optimistic thinking.
To get started, follow these steps:
Take some time to assess your current reality. Consider all aspects of your life: health, family friends, career, hobbies, money, and spirituality. What is going on in these areas? What would you like to improve? To achieve? Ask: “What is my vision of my best possible self?” considering all the different areas.
Then, take a moment and imagine your life at your very best in the future, with your life going as well as it possibly could and having achieved all your goals. What is it like? How does it feel? What is really important to you? What activities do you enjoy? Who do you spend time with? What job do you have? How about your home environment?
Next, take some time and write about your vision. Try to be as creative and imaginative as you can be. Writing about your ‘‘best possible future self’’ may help you redirect your motivation toward goals that will lead to a rewarding life. The more specific and detailed you are, the more engaged you will be in the exercise, and the more you will get out of it. Consider also including the values and strengths that you needed to deploy to make that vision a reality.
Some people prefer to reverse the exercise process and write about their vision before visualizing it.
Another reflective exercise that can boost your optimism is to imagine yourself at the age of 110 years. What advice would you give your younger self? This added perspective will allow you to recognize what is really important to you in life and to set priorities accordingly.
Start slowly and ask yourself” “What is my best possible self a year from now?”
Keep choosing happiness and happiness will keep choosing you back!