How often do you exercise? Not often enough?
Some of the most common excuses we hear are: “I’m too busy to exercise”, I’m not able to afford a gym membership”, I’m too tired”, “I’m not motivated”, “I don’t want to do it alone”, “I’m too old, or too fat.”
We want to help you get more exercise, so let us debunk these excuses and show you how anyone can exercise anytime, anywhere!
It all starts with a change in mindset.
Change will happen only if you truly want it to. No matter how much someone tries to convince you to exercise, if your mindset is not set to change, you will never be convinced. The desire needs to be within you.
Avoid phrases such as “I don’t have time” when it comes to exercising. You can always find time to exercise provided you want to badly enough. Instead, tell yourself: “I choose to make time to be physically active.” If practiced often, such positive thoughts will become a pattern.
These are a few examples of health benefits of regular exercise:
- Improved mental health: lower stress levels and better sleep
- Reduced risk of heart attacks and chronic diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes
- Better weight management
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Increased flexibility: lowering the risk of falls
- Lower blood pressure
- Faster recovery in case of injury
- Diminished risk of developing osteoporosis
Too Busy?
Most of us juggle between family and friends, our homes and jobs, commuting, and other responsibilities. But not taking time now to exercise will affect your health, whether in the short- or long-term, at which point you must make time for visits to your doctor or a hospital. Exercise today and future-proof your body!
Exercising is an act of self-care – make it a priority and schedule time for it. Realize also that you can start small by exercising for just a few minutes – while your coffee is brewing, as you watch TV, while you’re on the phone, as you wait for someone, as well as by taking a short walk or the stairs instead the elevator.
Can’t afford a gym membership? Then consider:
Online fitness training videos
Free outdoor activities, such as jogging and swimming
Using your smartphone to track your steps, and working up to and maintaining 10,000 steps a day
Creating a simple home gym
Body weight exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime, with no cost involved
Too tired?
Exercise can actually boost your energy levels by pumping more oxygen-filled blood to you brain and increasing your lung capacity. Choose physical activities that you enjoy and want to fit into your life and don’t be afraid to try something new.
Exercise produces endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones that improve your mood that help to reduce stress and improve your focus and concentration.
Not motivated?
Make peace with the thought that exercise is good for you and that there is no medicine, surgery or diet that can replace exercise.
When you stick to exercising long enough, you’ll start seeing the rewards and those rewards will keep you committed.
Find meaning other than weight loss, i.e. stress reduction, increased confidence, increased energy levels, the only time of day you have to yourself, etc.
Don’t want to exercise alone?
Ask you friends, family or colleagues to join you for a walk or bicycle ride, at the gym or a pop-up fitness event, or for a walk or swim at the beach.
Feeling too uncoordinated, old or fat?
Go for a walk
Use video workouts in privacy of your own home
Practice Pilates
Start strength training
It is easier than you think to find the motivation, time, and energy to be fit. Take charge of your life and work towards achieving your fitness goals step by step. Exercise can be fun for anyone, anywhere, anytime!