Five Tips for Sustainable Living

by Soha Wellness Team

Go green! Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Live sustainably! Reduce your carbon footprint! Due to the dire straits our global environment is in, we are bombarded with these messages on a daily basis. So, what is sustainable living and what are examples of small steps we can each take to support our environment?

Sustainable living means living using fewer natural resources. Good sustainable living habits may focus on using less energy or fewer household chemicals or saving trees or water.

Living sustainably almost always results in money savings. With a sustainable mindset, you will also reconsider buying certain services or products which you may once have thought were absolute necessities. You might ask yourself questions such as: Do I absolutely need a new wardrobe this season, or can I be creative with mixing and matching fewer clothes? Do my kids need this many toys, or would one filled toy chest suffice? Do I need to buy these plastic-wrapped products from the supermarket, or can I buy them directly from the producer, in bulk? Do I need to leave the water running while I wash the dishes or brush my teeth?

Five Easy to Implement Sustainable Living Tips 

Compare this list against your current practices and challenge yourself to add one new practice at a time.

Bring your own water bottle – and not a plastic one! Purchase a safe and healthy water bottle and get into the habit of taking it everywhere with you.

Bring your own shopping bags: Invest in and use reusable shopping bags – and produce bags while you’re at it. We’re all aware of the unbelievable damage plastic shopping bags are doing to the environment. Keep your bags in a spot where you will see them and remember to take them with you. Consider leaving one or two in your car at all times.

Make your own natural cleaning products: eliminate harmful chemical from your home and office by replacing commercial cleaning products with home-made natural alternatives. Recipes can easily be found online, and natural ingredients can be purchased inexpensively, and be used for multiple purposes. Good for everyone’s health, in particular for anyone suffering from health conditions such as allergies or asthma will benefit from a chemical-free environment.

Use reusable cloths instead of paper towels to save resources and reduce waste (those paper towels get thrown away…). In case you can’t do without them completely, at least hide your paper towels out of sight, so you won’t grab and use them so easily.

Grow your own food: A wonderful activity for all family members, it will increase your sustainability, reduce your grocery bill, and give you a wonderful feeling when harvesting and eating your homegrown produce. You don’t need to start a farm of your own, consider starting by grown herbs in your kitchen or on your balcony.

This will not be the last you hear from us when it comes to sustainable living and healthy environments. Stay tuned for more topics, tips, and solutions.

What tips can you share?

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