Water Care for a Better You, Better Planet

by Soha Wellness Team

In 1993, World Water Day was designated as a UN commemoration day. Its goal is to draw attention to the world’s water crisis. Every year on March 22nd, people and organizations commemorate World Water Day by taking action to address the global water crisis.

What natural resource is vital to the existence and well-being of billions of people but remains unknown to most of them? Although groundwater is invisible, its impact may be seen everywhere. Groundwater is a secret gem that enhances our lives, hidden beneath our feet and out of sight.

Groundwater makes up nearly all the world’s liquid freshwater. Groundwater will become increasingly important as climate change worsens. To manage this valuable resource sustainably, we must work together.

Although groundwater is out of sight, it must not be forgotten.

Groundwater Protection and Conservation To-Do List

  1. Embrace your Heritage
    Plants that are natural to your area should be used in your landscaping. They have a fantastic appearance and don’t require much water or fertilizer. Choose grass varieties that are suitable to your region’s environment, since this will reduce the need for frequent watering and chemical applications.
  2. Minimize Chemical Use
    Reduce the number of chemicals you use in your house and yard, and make sure to properly dispose of them – don’t drop them on the ground!
  3. Waste Management
    To avoid water contamination, dispose of potentially harmful materials such as unused chemicals, medications, paint, motor oil, and other materials properly. Many towns have collections or disposal facilities for domestic hazardous trash; contact your local health authority for further information.
  4. Don’t Let It Run
    When you wash your teeth or shave, turn off the water and don’t leave it running while you wait for it to cool down. Instead, keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge.
  5. Repair the Drip
    Check for leaks in all your home’s faucets, fixtures, toilets, and taps and fix them right away, or replace them with water-saving alternatives.
  6. Wash Wisely
    Limit yourself to a five-minute shower and dare your family to follow suit! Also, only run full loads of dishes and laundry in the dishwasher and washer.
  7. Use Water Efficiently
    Water the plants only when they are thirsty and during the coldest portions of the day.
    Water is the most valuable resource required for food and survival. Water is required by all living things, including humans, animals, and plants. As a result, let’s celebrate water and conserve its supplies.

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