How to Get into And Stay in A State of Flow at Work

by Judith Pronk

Working in the state of flow is the most enjoyable and productive way of working. I’m able to achieve a state of flow more and more often these days and have noticed a few things about it. I don’t want to stop working once I’m in the flow, because I’m afraid to lose it and not be able to come back to it. I’ve asked around and other people have the same experience. You don’t want to go get a coffee, or to make yourself some tea and you even postpone your meals. Do you recognize this? At the end of the day you’re exhausted and have a headache or sore muscles. You’re tired and moody. You may have achieved a lot, but not in a pleasant way.

Try it anyway: a short break. The kind of break that doesn’t jeopardize your flow. I’m sharing a few options.


Drinking water improves your level of concentration. The speed of people’s reactions to cognitive tasks (these are brain activities such as logical thinking, decision-making, calculating, concentrating, etc.) increase an average of 14% after drinking a glass of water. Don’t hesitate to get up to get yourself a glass of water.


Your brain needs healthy foods. Don’t eat a large meal during work as it will make you sluggish. It’s better to have a light meal or some fresh fruit.


Take a short walk, preferably in nature. Not only does this increase your concentration power, but it also helps reduce stress. If a walk during your break is not an option, then even just looking at a photo of nature or a long look out of the window can help reduce mental fatigue.

7-Minutes vacation

List to a short, guided meditation by Kelly Howell. This will both calm and energize you. A true vacation in 7 minutes. Be sure to use headphones.

Power nap

For a fresh re-start and new dose of alertness, a power nap of 10-20 minutes suffices and is an excellent alternative to a cup of coffee. Doctor Sara Mednick’s Nap Wheel can help you calculate the best time to start your afternoon nap. As an added benefit, a power nap stimulates that part of your brain that helps you think creatively.

Are your searching for a rhythm that helps supports your flow and ensures that you won’t become exhausted? I recommend the Pomodoro method. You can visit the Pomodoro website for a detailed explanation. Give this method a try to avoid losing your concentration or getting a headache at the end of the day and losing that beautiful flow. After all, you want to enjoy the flow and the results of your hard work. So, have a glass of water, take a walk outside, take time to eat, stare off into the distance… You don’t achieve the state of flow by coincidence. Next time you work in this state remember: you worked on creating it and you can bring it back.

What is working in a state of flow and how can you achieve it?

According to Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory, there are a few important factors that promote your ability to achieve a state of flow. These are all things you can learn, practice and stimulate to optimally work in your favor.

A clear goal

Although it sounds easy, it is important to take a moment to reflect on your goal. What is the goal of this activity, what do I want to achieve? The more detailed the answer, the better. Not: write report. But: collect information on the subject, draft a table of content, ask for a review, plan a meeting to discuss the report. Ask yourself what the result will be and what next steps you will take.

Knowledge, experience and challenge

Ideally, you have only just sufficient knowledge and experience to do the work and the tasks remains challenging. If it’s too easy, it will bore you. If it’s too difficult, you will use all your concentration to figure out how to complete it and may become discouraged.


Ask someone to give your work a brief review, try it out or put it aside for a moment. Then you can quickly continue with fresh ideas.

Change in notion of time and self-consciousness

“Is it that time already?”. You lost track of time and forgot yourself. You’re fully focused on your work. Wonderful! That’s the great feeling created by the flow.

Concentration and focus

It’s important for you to be able to focus on one task for a certain amount of time. This is related to your work environment and planning. The Pomodoro technique can help.


Drive and motivation are of course very helpful. In a state of flow, what you’re doing at that moment is exactly what you want to be doing.

Once you have these factors lined up, there it is: the flow, beautifully created by you.

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