From Misdiagnosis to Empowerment: A Wellness Coach’s Journey Unveiling the Hidden Truths of Gut Issues

by Maisa Zureikat

My story is a love story—a mother’s love story for my rosy-cheeked boy. It’s a tale that transformed me from a journalist into an integrative health coach at the age of 50.

As a young mother, I had no idea that those adorable red cheeks on my child would lead to years of countless emergency room visits and over fifty doctor consultations. Connecting my little fussy eater’s blushed cheeks and upset stomach to a food intolerance reaction took time.

Despite being wrongly diagnosed with ADHD, our family rejected the diagnosis and the recommended stimulants. I firmly believed there had to be more to it than a ten-minute consultation and a prescription to define my child’s condition.

Mothers know when a red flag is raised concerning their child’s health. In Daniel’s case, he was a happy, bright, and witty young boy without any behavioral issues. Sure, he was a picky eater and underweight, but as a health coach today, I understand that digestive problems can cause fussy eating. A comfortable and well-functioning tummy is a hungry tummy, whereas a painful or uncomfortable tummy can lead to fussy tendencies. Unfortunately, the pediatricians we consulted at that time were unwilling to explore any underlying medical issues beyond a primary diagnosis.

I vividly recall the day Daniel was born with eczema in the United States. The doctor in the delivery room expressed concern about our family’s history of asthma and advised avoiding cow milk for the first two years of his life. So, Daniel was breastfed for six months and then switched to soy milk until he turned two, as instructed.

Over time, convincing his pediatricians about the connection between lactose and eczema became increasingly difficult. Despite the disappearance of his eczema and multiple moves to different countries and doctors, my belief seemed dismissed as nonsense. Eventually, I succumbed, and Daniel was put on medications for his stomach; I regretfully accepted the band-aid solution offered by conventional medicine—a one-size-fits-all approach. In the end, we all paid the price for this mistake.

ADHD? Where did that come from? I kept questioning myself. From preschool to middle school, no behavioral or impulsive nature interfered with Daniel’s learning. However, as he entered his teenage years, he became increasingly anxious and unfocused. Still, I refused to put him on stimulants without exploring other potential conditions that could exhibit similar symptoms. It was clear that anxiety was not unique to Daniel in our family.

I may not have been a doctor, but as a mother, I was certain that all the symptoms were interconnected, and I was determined to find answers. It’s true what they say, “A MOTHER KNOWS.”

And so, as a mother, I found my way to functional medicine, homeopathy, ayurveda, and the realization that the wrong diet and medications had initiated the problem. And in contrast, the proper diet, increased awareness, and a few supplements were the solution. Through a functional medicine doctor, we discovered that the initial lactose intolerance led to digestive problems, which eventually manifested as a lack of concentration misdiagnosed as ADHD.

It turned out that an imbalance in the gut microbiome can have far-reaching effects on health, from appetite and food preferences to brain fog, forgetfulness, brain development, and anxiety, among others.

That’s where I found all the answers to my questions. I immersed myself in summits, workshops, and self-education to better understand and help my son. Along the way, I connected with other mothers facing similar challenges but with different approaches to health. They empowered me and opened my eyes to a holistic perspective on health and wellness. Eventually, I enrolled in an institute for integrative health in New York, where I dedicated two years to studying and became Maisa Z, a certified health coach.

Throughout this journey, not only I discovered solutions for my son, but I also found myself. I realized my passion for helping others become their happiest and healthiest selves. Guided by my love for Daniel and unwavering determination, I transformed from a concerned mother into a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being.

Now, as an integrative health coach, I draw upon my personal experience and the wisdom gained from various healing modalities. I support and guide parents who face similar challenges with their children’s health. Together, we explore the profound connection between diet, gut health, and overall well-being.

My love story continues to evolve as I witness the transformative power of a holistic approach in the lives of the families I work with. It is a testament to the resilience of a mother’s love and the limitless possibilities in uncovering the root causes of health issues.

I am here to spread awareness, provide experience and empower others to embrace a holistic perspective on health. I help individuals and families achieve optimal well-being and rediscover their joy through customized plans, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies.

This is not just Daniel’s story or mine—it is a story of love, perseverance, and the transformative power of integrative health. And I am honored to share it with you as we journey toward a healthier, happier future.

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