Homemade Iced Tea: Delicious, Fresh, Naturally Refreshing, and Super Healthy

by Aline Saade

Like any only herbal drink, tea, whether white, green, oolong, or black, is considered a healthy drink all year round. Regardless of the temperature it is served at, and as long as it is not loaded with sugar, it offers minerals and vitamins that help keep our bodies healthy.

Tea is the most consumed drink in the world after water, and in some countries 85% of it is served on the rocks!

In a warm weather, drinking iced tea is not only refreshing, but brings to the body certain benefits that induce health for the whole year.

These are some of the wonderful health benefits of iced tea:

Keeps the body hydrated.
According to The Harvard School of Public Health, the rumour about caffeine and theine being dehydrating is a myth.

Reduces inflammation and helps fight cancer.
Tea contains nearly 10 times the number of polyphenols as are found in fruits and vegetables. The strong antioxidant properties of polyphenols help reduce inflammation and fight cancer.

Lowers bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
According to clinical studies, consuming one to three glasses of green tea daily lowers the levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of stroke by 20% and that of heart attack by nearly 30%.

Supports bone health, metabolism, and wound healing.
One glass of black iced tea provides 35% for women and 23% for men, of the recommended daily intake of the trace mineral manganese. Required for the normal functioning of your brain, nervous system, and many other systems in the body, it supports the health of your bones, helps boost your metabolism, and promotes wound healing.

Can help prevent cavities and protects the teeth.
Tea changes the acidity (pH) level in the mouth, and combined with its antibacterial effects, is beneficial for the health of our teeth.

Offers a tasteful and calorie-free alternative to sugary drinks.
The wonderful taste of iced teas makes it a great low-calorie replacement for sugary drinks. One cup of unsweetened iced tea contains no sugar and just 2 calories.

Reportedly, a British Study shows that drinking tea throughout the day lowers stress.

How do I make my homemade iced tea?

Make your own iced tea by brewing tea and other herbs the traditional way. Then, simply chill the tea, add ice to it, and enjoy a healthy and conscious drink that you can surely repeat at any time of the day or the year with a feeling of gratefulness and satisfaction!

A final tip: spend some time discovering the health benefits of different teas and herbs and base your iced teas on those that support any current health issues you are facing, or your wish for, for example, glowing skin or more energy.


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