Alternative Nutrition: Plant-based meals

by Soha Wellness Team

Michel Simon, an American public health lawyer, founded the first Plant-Based Foods Association, which coincided with the emergence of the common term ‘plant-based meals’ in 2016. Over the years, the wave of plant-based products gained popularity due to growing social trends, outspoken activists, and industry leaders. People may choose this dietary pattern for different reasons, including their health, the environment, and animal rights.

Plant-based diets range from vegan diets to vegetarian and semi-vegetarian diets. These mainly include a variety of plant-based ingredients such as vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruits.

Veganism is a rigid diet; it forbids consuming animal products, including honey, dairy, and eggs. Most of the ready-to-go food we buy at the store contains animal-based ingredients, so vegans must carefully read the labels on all manufactured products. There are different approaches to a vegetarian diet, and vegetarians can adjust their diet accordingly to their goals and preference. A person that consumes seafood is called a Pescatarian. In parallel, a person who eats dairy products and eggs but excludes the intake of any animal-based food is considered a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian.

A flexitarian diet includes vegetarian meals with the occasional consumption of animal-based meals. A semi-vegetarian diet is an adaptable approach where plant-based meals provide nutrients while animal products are consumed in moderation. A vegan or vegetarian lifestyle has been recognized for its positive impact on personal health and environmental benefits. The health benefits of a plant-based diet are incredible since these diets combine huge portions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and pulses, all of which are rich in nutrients.

The term “plant-based” has developed from the common conception of following a healthier diet but is now being adopted by corporations wanting to deliver better and more nutritious food products. According to experts, the plant-based food market is welcoming new consumer trends this year. One of which is the “clean and organic” concept. Consumers are becoming highly attentive to organic and unharmful tags on products. This isn’t necessarily strictly limited to organic-oriented shoppers. Still, consumers are becoming more driven by labels about the environment, human health, and the working conditions in which these products are manufactured.

Another trend is variety and inclusion; restaurants and known food chains are widening their menus to introduce a better vegan-friendly experience. A Plant-based diet provides many benefits due to its higher intake of unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. Furthermore, according to a publication by The Human League, a leading organization advocating for animal welfare in the United States, veganism has positive implications for the planet:

  1. Reduction of the greenhouse effect
  2. Reduction of energy consumption
  3. Reduces consumption of natural recourses
  4. Conservation of water and stabilization of ocean life
  5. Conservation of rainforests, green land, and soil
  6. Preservation of wildlife and their habitat

Your plant-based diet should heavily consist of the required nutrients for optimal results. Eliminating entire food groups can make way for malnutrition, especially if the diet is not balanced with proper alternative foods. It is vital to consider protein quality since vegetable proteins are less nutritionally complete than animal proteins. You can overcome this problem by combining different sources of plant proteins.

What we eat is reflected in our physical well-being. Therefore, being proactive with our nutrition choices is one way to maintain personal wellness. The alternative that a vegan or vegetarian diet provides benefits all parties involved, such as the mind, body, and environment. Now that the food industry and communities are opening up to plant-based meals and products, creating a personalized and balanced food system is more manageable.

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