Fasting is the practice of willfully abstaining from food and beverages for a set period of time for therapeutic, spiritual or political reasons and has been used for centuries in various religions. Religious fasts are mainly done as a means to regain a spiritual connection with God, as a form of sacrifice, self-discipline and gratitude.
The major health benefits of fasting have been under the spotlight for quite some time now. You will be amazed by the various benefits of fasting.
Fasting improves brain function:
fasting stimulates the production of a protein called the brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. This protein is essential in learning, memory, the generation of new nerve cells and turning stem cells in the brain into nerve cells. Fasting also plays a role in enhancing chemicals in the brain that protect the brain cells from changes that may cause degeneration of brain cells. This degeneration is usually associated with diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression, and other brain-related problems.
Fasting promotes longevity:
Various studies have shown that fasting can help you live longer because it boosts your metabolism. As you grow older, the body’s metabolism gradually starts to work slower, thus leading to a gradual loss of muscle tissue. With fasting speeding up the body’s metabolism, it prevents this loss of muscle tissue.
Fasting detoxifies the body:
Fasting promotes detoxification. Most of the processed foods we eat contain a lot of harmful additives and preservatives. The brain starts the conversion of stored glycogen into energy to provide the body with what it needs. These deposits merely cover about 12 hours of fasting before they are completely depleted. To compensate for the lack of energy, the brain starts to burn the fat deposits that are stored across the body. During this process, the stored toxins in the fats get released. This leads to enhanced functioning of the liver, kidneys, and other body organs.
Fasting boosts immune regeneration:
Did you know that new evidence suggests that if you fast for 72 hours, your body undergoes regeneration of the entire immune system, and it stimulates the production of new white blood cells? This gives your body the ability to ward off various infections and diseases. Breaking the fast with fruits can boost your immune system even further by giving the body it’s needed dose of vitamins and minerals; especially vitamins A and E.
Fasting rejuvenates the skin and prevents acne:
If you’re tired of trying on cream after cream to get your skin to look better, you can rely on fasting to achieve the look you want. When the body takes a break from digestion, it allows for the body to recuperate by spending more energy on improving the function of other organs such as the liver, the kidneys, and the skin. During fasting, the healing process of scars also speeds up. This all contributes to a fresher and more radiant skin.
Fasting may help prevent cancer:
We know that cancer is disease that is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. During fasting the body is riding itself of toxins, and the immune system is being boosted. The absence of toxic substances within the cells reduces the risk of the inflammation and the formation of abnormal cancerous cells. Fasting can also be beneficial for patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Fasting is good for your heart:
Fasting also eliminates some of the risk factors that are associated with heart disease such as bad cholesterol, sugar levels, and triglycerides. This also results in better cardiovascular health.
To sum it up, fasting is considered a great way to boost your health. Just like trying anything new, fasting may seem a bit difficult at first, but with time your body quickly adapts to it. Enjoy and let your body enjoy the various benefits of fasting!