HeartMath, the Science of Harmony Between the Mind and the Heart

by Antoinette Zalzal

Did you know that HeartMath is the science that studies the relationship that coexists between the mind and the heart?

Have you ever wondered what relationship exists between the brain and the heart? Would it surprise you to know that heart actually sends far more signals to your brain then your brain sends to your heart?

This is cutting edge heart-brain science! Researchers have been studying the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition, and health since 1900. It was not until the 1970s that researchers produced evidence backing up the “intelligent heart” theory. After the first heart plant, they realized that some of the patients who had heart transplants were capable of playing the piano for the first time or speaking a foreign language that they did not know pre-op. This proved that the heart also acted as a storage for memories. The heart is also capable of feeling fear, anxiety, reassurance, and comfort three seconds before the brain does.

Science is finally catching up with lots of religious and philosophical beliefs that identify the heart as the center of our being and where thought comes from. The core of this philosophy is that the heart taps into an intelligence that can provide us with a sense of fulfillment. Our emotions change the signals the brain sends to the heart and the heart responds in complex ways. The science behind it has proved that the heart communicates with the brain and the body in 4 ways:

– Neurologically: by sending neurological information to the brain and the rest of the body through nerve impulses.

– Biochemically: by releasing hormones such as atrial peptide that inhibit the release of other stress hormones.

– Biophysically: through the pulse, the heart sends energy in the form of a blood pressure wave.

– Energetically: through electromagnetic field interactions.

It also turns out that our strength and perseverance are directly linked to our emotions. As people experience positive feelings, the heart’s rhythms become more coherent and the changed information flow from the heart to the brain enhance our performance. The brain changes when the heart feels.

The heart is affected by feelings that have one of two effects: positive feelings such as sympathy, gratitude, appreciation, kindness, enthusiasm and joy, and negative feelings such as fear, depression, anger, and jealousy.

When the heart experiences positive emotions, the brain relaxes and becomes able to adapt, focus, and make decisions more clearly and the body becomes better at recovering faster from stress. You also become better at memorization and your perseverance and motivation increase.

On the contrary, when you are annoyed or angry and in a negative non-coherent state, everything becomes out of balance: your heart rate, blood pressure rhythm, and breathing will be all over the place.

In order to become the best version of yourself, you must tap into your heart’s intuition. Doing so will help you prevent and relieve stress and anxiety all while balancing your mental and emotional energy. Only then can you become connected and in tuned with your higher creative potentials.

Achieving an inner balance between the brain and the heart gets your heart, mind, and emotions in sync to improve health, well-being, and performance. Some prominent advantages are:

  • Enhanced performance and resilience.
  • Improving harmony between family and society.
  • Reduced stress and better health
  • Greater emotional stability, increased mental clarity, and improved cognitive functioning
  • Improved coordination and faster reactivity.
  • Improving how we perceive, think, feel and perform.
  • Improving the ability to learn and achieving higher test scores.
  • Enhancing the ability to reach intuitive or innate intelligence.

Not only does your heart have an impact on you, but on the people around you too! The state of coherence between the heart and the brain is infectious and can be transmitted from one person to another. Studies have shown that when we spread compassion, gratitude, and kindness our heart emits an electromagnetic field that can be detected anywhere on the surface of our body. This facilitates social harmony amongst people wherever they are. Once several people are simultaneously spreading harmony, they create a positive energy field that allows people to communicate together through their hearts.

When you learn to control your breathing and heart rate, you enter a state of readiness where you become more prepared to handle stressful situations and to recover from trauma more easily.

Some of the advantages of the state of readiness:

  • Noticing the things that drain your energy and avoiding them.
  • Transferring energy to prevent it from being wasted.
  • Aligning the brain and heart to ensure that they function in the best possible way.
  • Awakening intuition to be able to make clear choices and innovative initiatives.
  • Adopting a new mindset for awareness and energy boosting.

Some of the immediate changes you would notice are:

  • Reducing stress immediately.
  • Feeling positive, focused, calm and energized.
  • Performance at the highest levels
  • An improved sense of creativity, intuition, and higher decision-making capabilities

Hope this excites you to learn more about the heart and delve into the world of HeartMath where Love is the new transformational intelligence.

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