Money Limiting Beliefs

by Nadine Zeinoun Khoury

How do you feel about money? What does the idea of being rich bring up in you?

Did you know that your beliefs about money can influence your financial status?

What are Beliefs?

To begin with, beliefs are simply the ideas or thoughts that we have established or acquired about everything that surrounds us. They are like the lenses by which we view this world and how we believe things “should” and “should not” be. So, for example, if I happen to work with a couple of managers who are great achievers yet are directive and controlling, I start developing the following belief: “a manager who wants to achieve needs to be directive and controlling.”

Where do Beliefs come from?

Our beliefs can be acquired from important people in our lives (like our parents, our teachers, and community members), or they can be established based on specific experiences that we go through.
What is important to note here is that, since beliefs are just thoughts and assumptions we develop along the way, they are not necessarily facts about the world. They do not determine the “reality” of things but are rather our opinions about reality.

Why are Beliefs Important?

Our belief system dictates how we feel about certain things or situations. These feelings will then determine how we behave and what we decide and will thus directly drive our results and our success. Therefore, reflecting on our beliefs and better understanding how they influence our behaviors is key to determining our success!!!

Our Beliefs about Money

How satisfied are you with your current financial status? Do you sometimes feel like you would like to provide a higher standard of living for yourself and your family? What do you think is stopping you?

I know that many excuses are crashing your mind now, but what is stopping you?

Are you someone who was brought up thinking that “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “you need to sacrifice many important things in life to make money.” Or perhaps what comes to mind is that “rich people are bad and selfish,” or “to become rich, you need to compromise your ethics. Another limiting belief could be, “If I focus too much on how much money I am charging my clients, then I will be perceived as cheap and won’t be able to give the quality of service I want,” … and the list goes on and on and on.

Taking Action

Take a moment NOW and reflect on your beliefs about money!

What do you see? Are your beliefs about money serving your financial goals? Or are they hindering them?
If your beliefs are not serving your financial goals, it is time to change them. Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” beliefs, but there are beliefs that serve us and those that don’t.

Unveiling those beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your goals is key to making a change. Once you change them, you will be on a faster track to realizing your dreams.

So, reflect and make that change now!

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