New Year’s Resolutions

by Nancy Abu Jawdeh

Can you relate to this self-talk on New Year’s Eve?

“This year is going to be different”
“I will change my whole life, it’s about time”
“Nothing will ever be the same”
“I will be happy”
“I will be successful”
“New year, New me”

Then, you rush into making a list of new resolutions, solely based on that oath.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? I bet it does.

But, have you ever wondered why? Have you ever asked yourself those questions?

“Why do I repeat the same promises, at the same time, each year?”
“Why have I never been able to keep them?”

New Year is among the most celebrated public holidays in the world. And celebration is the best way to create a positive feeling, reinforce your habits and transform your life. While celebrating, you feel grateful and happy. So, how come if the whole world is celebrating with you?

These positive vibes give you a superpower. They give you Faith and Hope: Faith in yourself and Hope in a better future. This strength makes you feel unbeatable, unstoppable, and capable of achieving the impossible. This is true. This is you. This is the unchained version of you, free from Fear and Doubts.

However, once this magical moment is over, the old version of you will eventually re-emerge unless you take the proper action to preserve and nurture the new one.

To do so, you need to follow the below steps:

⁃ Practice Self-Reflection: Take time to clear your mind, calm your heart and relax your body. There is no general/common way to reach that state, it’s completely unique to each one of us. Some people take a walk in nature, others read a book, exercise, meditate, paint, journal, take a long shower, stare at the sky, call a friend, watch an inspirational movie, listen to music, or Pray… Remember, you can only see your reflection in a still water.

⁃ Meet your Future Self: Envision yourself ten years from now. Consider the different areas of your life (Career/Financial – Developmental/Educational – Physical/Health – Family/Relational/Social – Spiritual/Value). Be ambitious, yet realistic.

⁃ Translate your Vision into Action: Define your Golden Goals. Write them down so you can always see them and remember how they make you feel. When they are personal, they are truly meaningful.

⁃ Break down each Goal into smaller Steps: Change is neither easy nor fast. Building a new Habit falls under the same category. It is challenging. It requires a lot of time and energy to become embedded in your system. Consistency is the key, but Motivation is the fuel. When you break down your Big Goal into Small Steps, you start achieving results faster which helps you keep going longer.

⁃ Celebrate your Small Wins: Remember how celebrating New Year made you feel. Keep seeking that feeling. Keep believing in Magic.

Dream Big, Think Small, Persevere, Succeed!

Cheers! To a Marvelous New Year!

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