Tips on Being a Full-time Live-in Grandmama During a Global Pandemic Lockdown

by Safaa Jawad

I became a full-time live-in grandma during this Covid-19 global pandemic, which turned out to be a true blessing in disguise despite the global circumstances. 

Being stuck indoors for months proved a little challenging, but I discovered a few helpful tips, a handful of “tricks” or go-to “actions” that helped make the “job” easier, and life with Baby more enjoyable and definitely more rewarding

 These tips are the result of a short personal experience, and are not to be considered a professional opinion. The internet is full of very useful material on all sorts of topics and related matters to which I often refer.

The first longer list is of general tips on how to approach your role, while the second shorter list is of tips on how to have a relatively smooth day with Baby.

General Tips:

  1. Know/BE 100% SURE that what you are doing is the most important job in the world.
  2. Embrace your role as a full-time live-in grandma and see yourself as a glorified Nanny putting all your high qualifications and extensive years of experience in the domain to most worthy use. Think of this as a calling.
  3. Accept the idea /fact that you WILL BE WITH BABY all day, and that you will get tired/anxious/ bored. Be ready and the day will become easier to manage. This is why I am writing this piece. So, adopt as many of the tips below for a relatively smooth flow.
  4. Mindfully move other ambitions aside especially during “working hours”. It could get frustrating if you plan on accomplishing any personal “projects” during this supposedly “productive” quarantine times beyond doing a great job as a grandma.
  5. Make sure you have access to music. All kinds of music. A simple Bluetooth speaker will do wonders. Make YouTube your new best friend. Energizing videos, popular nursery rhymes, videos such as Happy Mozart, and other classical music for toddlers, are examples of win-wins if you don’t want to listen to nursery rhymes all the time. Of course, I don’t have to mention all the exercise, yoga and meditation videos there are for those mini projects and after-hours activities, etc.
  6. Get on Pinterest and/or Instagram and look up baby toddler activities. There are loads of ideas for homemade games and simple toddler activities to pick and choose from. In fact, preparing activities not only helps with Baby’s development, but also keeps you focused and makes the day more entertaining.  
  7. Plan for “after-hours” and weekends. Make sure you disconnect and do your own personal activities. During the Corona pandemic, this will prove a little challenging during lockdowns, But you could still lock yourself up and do your thing. Things!
  8. Keep a journal! For some reason writing your reflections and thoughts about being with Baby reveals the meaningfulness of the whole experience, both for you and for others.
  9. Exercise. You’ll need strong arms, strong legs and a strong back. Do short 5-10 exercises during Baby’s nap and longer sessions during some evenings and weekends.
  10. Meditate. Or pray. Whichever works for you. You will need to remain Zen and some form of a spiritual activity at some point in the day will prove quite effective in sustaining your energy.
  11. Have a good night sleep! Nothing like a good night sleep to maintain your energy all day.
  12. Do not make up rules. Mama makes the rules. You are here only to help and support her. Despite all your wisdom and years of experience as a mother, these new mamas have access to so much more information, and they know what they are talking about. By all means give your two cents when you have some wisdom to share, but remember that one day you were a new mama too and you wanted things done your way. And you did have them your way and therefore you’ve had your chance. If you had done a good job, then your grand child is in good hands.
  13. Although I am no pro here, I cannot overstate the importance of discipline. When I stuck to my mini projects during Baby’s naps, or “after hours”, I was more energetic and happier and less frustrated and less anxious about accomplishments. Don’t over plan. Even a small activity can give a great boost to your mood and reinject you with much needed energy to continue your day. 

Things that you could do a little bit of during Baby’s naptimes or a lot of “after hours”:

  • Reading
  • Writing/ jotting down notes to elaborate on later in your journal
  • Have a snack
  • Exercising
  • Meditating
  • Taking naps

Tips on how to have a relatively smooth day:

  1. Do not get distracted from your role, and remind yourself of the tips above.
  2. Do little activities you get to do during Baby’s nap: freshen up, have breakfast/lunch, read a couple of pages from your book, jot some ideas down in your journal, take a nap, do a 5-minute arm toning exercise, etc.
  3. Be prepared to be a clown. Baby loves it. Whether mime songs, or dance exaggeratedly, or do simple exercises, and he will surely be entertained.
  4. Dance! With Baby or for Baby. Both work. He is entertained and you benefit from moving.
  5. Get down on the floor. A bean bag or a pouf or just a good sturdy pillow can also help make this easier for you. Exercising regularly helps a lot in getting down and up.  
  6. Include some quiet alone time for Baby during the day. Supervised of course. Not only is this extremely important for his development, but it also gives you a breather.

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