Eight Tips to Help You Stay Healthy Over Easter

by Hind El Hassan

Easter represents the season of chocolate and sweet buns and is, like other holidays, a time of the year when most of us will be tempted to overindulge. But, even with a chocolate egg here or a sweet bun there, you can stay healthy over Easter.

These eight tips can help you manage the many temptations you are likely to face this Easter:

Plan Ahead

Each day, plan what you will eat the following day; doing this on a weekly basis is even better. If you carefully schedule and plan your meals, you are more likely to stick to a healthy eating regimen. Prepare yourself today for a healthier tomorrow.

Stock your fridge and pantry with healthy foods and snacks so that you can easily grab a healthy bite instead of reaching for a piece of chocolate.

If you are invited for lunch or dinner over the holidays, bring a healthy dish or desert.

Stay Hydrated

Research has proven that you can burn extra calories by increasing your daily water consumption, and water can help control hunger. Ideally, you should drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Don’t Deprive Yourself!

Accept that you probably will have a few chocolate Easter eggs, but try to plan for it and to avoid the other traditional unhealthy holiday foods.

Chocolate: Choose Quality over Quantity

When you do allow yourself to enjoy the occasional piece of chocolate, do so in moderation and choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate as it contains less sugar and double the antioxidants of milk chocolate. Choose quality chocolate with over 70% cocoa and control the portions.

Avoid Late Night Snacks

Many of us enjoy a late-night snack but studies show that when food is consumed late at night, the body is more likely to store those calories as fat and gain weight instead of burning it as energy. If you must eat something late at night, opt for a small healthy snack such as an apple, some whole wheat crackers and hummus, or a small handful of raw nuts.

Keep Moving

Plan to exercise each day, especially during holidays when you are prone to eat more than usual. Take a daily walk or run or perform body weight exercises (these can be done almost anywhere). Invite family and friends to join you in an outdoor activity.

Don’t Skip

Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and result in weight gain. When hungry, we tend to eat more and choose the first thing in sight (usually not a health option), so eat at least three meals each day.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation is the quickest way to loss of physical and mental motivation. You need enough sleep to be able to focus and stick  to your meal and exercise plans. A good way to do this is to try and establish a sleeping routine by going to bed at the same time every night. This will also keep your body clock ticking smoothly.

How do you stay healthy and deal with temptations during Easter? We’d love to read you tips in the comment section below!

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