Make Your Own Almond Milk in Five Easy Steps

by Tara Achkar

Do you have specific dietary requirements? Are you following a defined meal plan?

Whether you’re on the paleo, vegan or vegetarian diet, or if you simply just want to create more variety in your nutrition, almond milk is a healthy and inexpensive alternative to conventional dairy that you can easily make at home! 

We can all benefit from consuming more plant-based foods!

This almond milk recipe is super simple to make at home in just minutes! It is customizable, so you can adjust the sweetness and even add flavor!


  • 1 cup raw soaked almonds*  (preferably organic)
  • 4 cups drinking water
  • Pinch of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract, or 1 pitted date, some honey, or a few drops of stevia (optional for sweet tooth consumers like me!)

*Soaking almonds: It’s important to soak your almonds in drinking water for a minimum of 12 hours. This will result in smoother and creamier milk. Soaking the nuts also activates the enzymes that make them more nutritious.

How to soak almonds?

Place almonds in a bowl and add drinking water until the almonds are completely covered. Then add a pinch of salt, place them in your fridge and leave them there for a minimum of 12 hours.

Once you’re ready to use the almonds, drain them well and discard the water you soaked them in.

Now you’re ready to create your milk!

Combine 1 part almonds with 4 parts drinking water along with your desired sweetener in a blender.

Blend for 2-3 minutes or until the mix is smooth and creamy.

Strain the mixture into a large bowl through a thin kitchen towel or cheesecloth to separate the almond milk from the almond meal/pulp.

Pour the milk into a glass jar and its ready to drink or use.

The almond milk can be stored in your fridge for up to five days.

But wait, it’s not over, recycle and reuse the almond pulp!

Save the almond pulp, put it on a parchment sheet, and dehydrate it in the oven on lowest heat until it’s completely dry. Then run it through the food processor to create almond flour. Use the almond flour instead of conventional flour in your next baking activity, to create a healthier dessert for you and your loved ones.

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